Announcing the passing of Gaby Mendis

Announcing the passing of Gaby Mendis

Chris Clayson 31 December, 2024

It is with the greatest sadness that we have to report the passing on Christmas Eve after a short illness of Gaby Mendis, wife of former club stalwart Dil Mendis and mother to their sons Daniel and Alexander. 

Peter Loosley, long time member of the club and one of Dil's contemporaries, remembers:

Dil joined the club from Godstone in the late 1970’s and became an integral part of the 1st XI for many years and Gaby, along with Dil, was always such a friendly and welcoming presence at the club.

She will be greatly missed by her family and all Di’s contemporaries and their respective families. All three of our girls grew up knowing and loving Gaby as did many others.

We will post any further information as appropriate.

It is such a tragically early loss and our deepest sympathies and condolences go to the family.