About Merstham Cricket Club
Merstham Cricket Club is a community amateur cricket club based in Merstham, Surrey, United Kingdom.
Mentions of ‘us‘ and ‘we‘ in this privacy notice refer to Merstham Cricket Club.
Mentions of ‘the website’ in this privacy notice refer to the website operated by Merstham Cricket Club accessible via either https://www.mersthamcc.co.uk or https://www.merstham.cricket.
Your privacy and the information we collect
When you browse the website anonymously
When you browse for information on the website anonymously, i.e. without creating an account or logging in, then we do not collect information related to you or your device.
Merstham Cricket Club does not collect any analytics information, though we may collect anonymous statistics about visits to certain pages to measure popularity.
When you create an account
When you create an account we collect basic information required to create a functioning account. This includes your name, email address and a password of your choice (subject to our minimum requirements).
The e-mail address will be confirmed using a verification code sent to the email address to confirm your ownership.
The e-mail address you provide for your account will not be shared with any other components and is only used for account management purposes, for example, account verification and account recovery.
Passwords are stored securely using irreversible encryption and cannot be viewed by any individual at Merstham Cricket Club
Using the website to register membership
When registering membership, either online or offline, we will collect the minimum information we deem necessary to provide you with your membership, in line with our legal basis (see below), and will store this information in our database.
This information may include your contact information, your date of birth, your address, any relevant medical condition and emergency contact information. The information collected differs depending on the type of membership.
Access to this database is restricted to relevant officers of the club including but not limited to, membership secretaries, treasurer, age group managers, coaches and welfare officers.
Your contact details, as provided on your membership forms, will be used to contact you directly about your membership and we may transfer these contact details to our chosen tools, such as Spond (see below), to coordinate club activities such as cricket matches or training sessions.
We do not share any of your membership information with external parties. We may use anonymised statistics based on demographic information, for example gender or age with interested parties such as the England and Wales Cricket Board.
Paying for your membership online
If you register and pay for your members using the website, you may use one of the following payment partners.
Stripe - Paying by debit or credit card
When paying online using debit or credit card, we use our payment partner Stripe. When initiating the payment we pass your name and e-mail address as well as the details of your transaction.
You will be redirected to Stripe’s website to complete the payment process, Merstham Cricket Club’s website does not handle or store your sensitive payment details (e.g. card number or expiration date) nor are any of the details visible, in full, to any representative of Merstham Cricket Club.
All data entered on Stripe’s website is secure and handled in accordance with their own privacy policy https://stripe.com/gb/privacy.
PayPal - Paying using your PayPal account
When paying using PayPal we will, when initiating the payment, pass the details of your transaction.
You will be redirected to PayPal’s website to complete the payment process, Merstham Cricket Club’s website does not handle or store your sensitive payment details nor are any of the details visible to any representative of Merstham Cricket Club.
All data entered on PayPal’s website is secure and handled in accordance with their own privacy policy https://www.paypal.com/uk/legalhub/privacy-full.
GoCardless - Paying by direct debit
When paying online using direct debit, we use our payment partner GoCardless. When initiating the payment we pass your name and e-mail address as well as the details of your transaction.
You will be redirected to GoCardless’ website to complete the process of setting up the direct debit mandate, Merstham Cricket Club’s website does not handle or store your sensitive payment details (e.g. bank account number or sort code) nor are any of the details visible, in full, to any representative of Merstham Cricket Club.
All data entered on GoCardless’ website is secure and handled in accordance with their own privacy policy https://gocardless.com/privacy/payers/.
When you sign up for the mailing list
You can sign up for the mailing list on our website, and may be prompted to do so while registering your membership, you will be able to skip this step.
We use MailChimp to manage our mailing list.
When you sign up for the mailing list, you will provide your name and email address, and we may ask additional questions to help us identify which sort of email communications you wish to receive. These details are visible to limited officers of the club such as the communications manager. When used in email communications, your email address is not visible to other members.
We will use the mailing list to distribute information about club activities, news, events or to seek volunteers for certain roles or tasks at the club.
Membership of the mailing list is completely optional and is opt-in only. Once you opt-in, you can opt-out at any time.
When using Spond
Merstham Cricket Club makes extensive use of Spond to coordinate cricketing activities. Once you have registered your membership, you will be invited to join the most relevant Spond group. Contact details from your membership registration will be used. Members under 18 require a parent or guardian to act as their primary contact on Spond.
Spond may also be used to send out information about other club activities, though only those directly related to your membership of the club.
If Spond is to be used for club activities not directly related to your membership, for example, social events, then this will be done via an invitation to a separate Spond group which you can choose to opt-in to.
All interactions with Spond are covered by Spond’s privacy policy, https://www.spond.com/privacy/.
When using our social media
We operate a number of social media channels to increase our reach to our members and the surrounding community.
We do not actively use social media for any kind of analytics gathering for our purposes, though the individual platforms may do this by default, by interacting with these social media channels you are agreeing to the platforms own privacy policy.
Merstham Cricket Club operates WhatsApp groups to facilitate communication with members. Membership of the WhatsApp groups is optional and managed by officials of the club. If invited to a group, you can opt-out at any time by leaving the group.
Chat in WhatsApp groups cannot be moderated, so we bear no responsibility for messages posted by members who are not officials of the club.
When participating in WhatsApp group chats, your name and phone number is visible to other members of the group. It is your responsibility to ensure that you safeguard the privacy of both yourself and other members by not sharing personal information in the chats.
All interactions with WhatsApp are subject to WhatsApp’s own privacy policy https://www.whatsapp.com/legal/privacy-policy-uk.
You should not join any WhatsApp group not instigated by a Merstham Cricket Club official known to you. WhatsApp groups run by, and between, members who are not officials of the club are not within the scope of this policy.
We operate an Instagram profile https://www.instagram.com/mersthamcc, this is operated by authorised officials of the club. Any other profile claiming to be related to Merstham Cricket Club is not official and you should avoid interacting with.
We will not post any of your personal information on this profile but we may use photographs or videos that include you in our posts. During registration of junior members, you are given the option of opting in to allow photos of the member being used on social media.
If images or details of you, or a member you are responsible for, appear on the Instagram profile that you wish to be removed, please contact the communications manager in the first instance.
All interactions with Instagram are subject to Instagram’s own privacy and data policy https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875/.
We operate a Facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/MersthamCC, this is operated by authorised officials of the club. Any other profile claiming to be related to Merstham Cricket Club is not official and you should avoid interacting with.
We will not post any of your personal information on this profile but we may use photographs or videos that include you in our posts. During registration of junior members, you are given the option of opting in to allow photos of the member being used on social media.
If images or details of you, or a member you are responsible for, appear on the Facebook profile that you wish to be removed, please contact the communications manager in the first instance.
All interactions with Facebook are subject to Facebook’s own privacy policy https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/.
Twitter (X)
We operate an Twitter profile https://twitter.com/mersthammagics, this is operated by authorised officials of the club. Any other profile claiming to be related to Merstham Cricket Club is not official and you should avoid interacting with.
We will not post any of your personal information on this profile but we may use photographs or videos that include you in our posts. During registration of junior members, you are given the option of opting in to allow photos of the member being used on social media.
If images or details of you, or a member you are responsible for, appear on the Twitter profile that you wish to be removed, please contact the communications manager in the first instance.
All interactions with Twitter are subject to Twitter’s own privacy policy https://twitter.com/en/privacy.
We operate an TikTok profile https://www.tiktok.com/@mersthamcc, this is operated by authorised officials of the club. Any other profile claiming to be related to Merstham Cricket Club is not official and you should avoid interacting with.
We will not post any of your personal information on this profile but we may use photographs or videos that include you in our posts. During registration of junior members, you are given the option of opting in to allow photos of the member being used on social media.
If images or details of you, or a member you are responsible for, appear on the TikTok profile that you wish to be removed, please contact the communications manager in the first instance.
All interactions with TikTok are subject to TikTok’s own privacy policy https://www.tiktok.com/legal/page/eea/privacy-policy/en.
We operate a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@mersthamcricketclub, this is operated by authorised officials of the club. Any other channel claiming to be related to Merstham Cricket Club is not official and you should avoid interacting with it.
We will not post any of your personal information on this profile but we may use photographs or videos that include you in our posts. During registration of junior members, you are given the option of opting in to allow photos of the member being used on social media.
If images or details of you, or a member you are responsible for, appear on the YouTube channel that you wish to be removed, please contact the communications manager in the first instance.
All interactions with YouTube are subject to YouTube’s own privacy policy https://policies.google.com/privacy.
When at the club
We use CCTV at our grounds and within our pavilions for the security of our property and the safety of our members.
The CCTV is regularly reviewed by club officers and may be used when investigating incidents or disciplinary matters. If incidents under investigation are of a criminal nature, we may also share the recordings with the police. Recordings may also be shared with insurers in incidents involving property damage or vandalism.
Our legal basis for processing your information
Legitimate interests (UK GDPR Article (6)(1)(f))
When we process your personal data membership purposes, the legal basis we rely on is that the processing is necessary for Merstham Cricket Club’s legitimate interests. Merstham Cricket Club’s interests in this regard are:
- provision of cricket and training at suitable level for the member
- safeguarding of members
- maintaining emergency contact information in case of an accident or other emergency involving members.
How long we keep your information
We store your personal information for no longer than is reasonably necessary and legally justifiable.
We will keep your membership data for as long as you are a member of the club, we may retain records for update 1 year after you cancel your membership, unless otherwise requested.
If you choose to delete your website account, we’ll delete your account immediately, but will retain your membership details inline with the previous paragraph.
Where your information is processed and stored
All personal data processed directly by the website is stored in the UK.
Data processed by payment providers, Spond or social media platforms is stored as outlined in their privacy policies.
MailChimp data is stored and processed in the USA.
How we protect your personal information and keep it secure
We are committed to doing all that we can to keep your information secure. We have set up systems and processes to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure of your information - for example, we use varying levels of encryption. We also make sure that any third parties that we deal with keep all personal information they process on our behalf secure.
As the owner of your Merstham Cricket Club website account, you also have some responsibility for its security. For example, you should:
- choose a strong password for your Merstham Cricket Club and ensure you keep it secure - the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) provides advice on keeping your online accounts secure
- contact us immediately if you suspect that your account has been compromised
Your rights
UK Data Protection Law provides you with a number of rights which you can exercise by contacting the Data Protection Officer.
You have the right to:
- request a copy of your personal information that we hold
- ask us to change your information if it is wrong or inaccurate
- ask us to delete your information, although we may not be able to delete your information if there is a legal reason for us to retain it
- request a restriction on our use of your information. For example where it is wrong or inaccurate and you would like it to be changed before being used again
- object about how we process your personal data where we process it under the public task or legitimate interests lawful bases
- withdraw your consent where we process your personal data with your consent
Contact us or make a complaint
Contact the Data Protection Officer (data.protection.officer@mersthamcc.co.uk) if you:
- have a question about anything in this privacy notice
- think that your personal information has been misused or mishandled
- want to make a ‘subject access request‘ to find out more about how your personal information is collected and used
You can also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner, who is an independent regulator.
Information Commissioner‘s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone: 0303 123 1113
Textphone: 01625 545860
Making a complaint to the Information Commissioner will not affect your rights.
Changes to this notice
We may change this privacy notice. In that case, the ‘last updated’ date of this document will also change. Any changes to this privacy notice will apply to you and your information immediately.
Please check back regularly for changes to this policy..
Last updated: 1st April 2024